Bali Hai Ch. 1
Jessica shivers as she walks from the stifling heat of the day into the airport terminal. Beads of perspiration form on her neck, rolling down… Daha fazlasını oku »Bali Hai Ch. 1
Jessica shivers as she walks from the stifling heat of the day into the airport terminal. Beads of perspiration form on her neck, rolling down… Daha fazlasını oku »Bali Hai Ch. 1
Let me know that you think. “Close the door your letting all the cool air out!” “I’m bringing in the plywood for the platform!” “Let… Daha fazlasını oku »Barbara’s Story Ch. 03
Before we start can I just say that anyone who gives me hassle for spelling mistakes please understand that this is U.K. English. This story… Daha fazlasını oku »I Like Older Ladies
Chrissie was bouncing along the sand. Her young breasts were round and plump, and her long blonde locks flipped this way and that behind her… Daha fazlasını oku »New on the Beach
Several readers wrote asking what had happened in the weeks after I’d taken a job as a property manager on a temporary basis and had… Daha fazlasını oku »How I Paid The Rent Ch. 02
Some of you have probably read the story about my experience with my hot cousin Lindsay, who was living with me at the time, and… Daha fazlasını oku »Cousin Lindsay Wants More
Dave traced his index finger down Jillian’s flushed and sweaty face. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips as he reached… Daha fazlasını oku »Corrie, The Younger Sister
I appreciate all the feedback and comments on part 1 and hopefully you all like part 2 just as much (or more!) *** I must’ve… Daha fazlasını oku »It must’ve Been the Alcohol Pt. 02
NOTE: OMG Guys. Thanks for the feedback. I promise I will try hard to stop the confusing change of POV.J And I really need an… Daha fazlasını oku »It Was Always You Ch. 02
It’s a quiet morning; my hubby and I are just relaxing with a cup of coffee after getting the kids off to school. He has… Daha fazlasını oku »Husband’s B-day Present to Wife