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An Intimate Confession



This is a true story.

It has been quite a while since I have written a story alone.

A lady friend and I were writing here under another name for a while and Intimate Confessions sort of lapsed into semi-retirement.

We are still friends, this lady and I. We are not writing erotica together for the time being.

While I certainly miss our mutual brainstorming (masturbation) sessions, it is time once again for me to take up the pen as a solo author.

Those of you who are familiar with my work know that I believe an erotic story involves more than naked people doing sexual things with one another.

There are the characters, each with their own history, set of motivations and story to tell. There are situations that usually contribute to the heat of any story.

And there is romance.

Is romance necessary to an erotic story?

Romance is absolutely necessary!

Without some kind of romance all that the story will be is random fucking. You don’t need me to describe that. Just go down to the cattle pen any Saturday night in the spring and you can watch all the random fucking you want.

My stories are longer than typical offerings on Literotica. This allows for character development and multiple encounters, each hotter than the last.

If you are looking for a woman to walk in on a guy who is masturbating, whip her clothes off and say, “Oh baby, let’s fuck.” in the first three pages of the story… this isn’t the story for you.

As a matter of fact if that’s what you’re looking for, bail right now. You won’t enjoy yourself. You’ll spend all your time skipping around the story looking for the “dirty parts” and skip over the stuff that makes them dirty in the first place.

So you’ve been warned.

If, on the other hand if you enjoy a slow-smoldering build up, progressively more sexual situations ending in multiple come-soaked scenarios involving various perversions, I’m your guy. Grab the lubricant, the vibrator or the dildo as the case may be and get ready for a rocking good time.

You might as well know that I am writing this with a fairly well developed erection, mainly because I already know the story. My heartfelt hope is that reading this will have the same effect on you.

Hopefully ladies reading this will soon be as flushed and tingling as men. I include plenty of showing-off teasing…and romance as well as several situations I know will arouse the interest of most of the women reading this.

So enough about my writing, here’s the story:

As I said at the beginning, it is a true story…it really happened…to me. Enjoy.


Some years ago I broke up with my Big Love Carol and I started hanging around with her best friend, Amber in hopes that this would lead to a reunification between Carol and I.

Carol disappeared forever but Amber and I continued hanging out.

Amber was determined to remain a virgin until she married and for a while this wasn’t a problem. She would come over and we’d watch some TV, have something to eat and she’d go home.

There were other girls and I was comfortable having a platonic friendship with Amber. She was my last remaining link to the now absent Carol.

Amber lost her job and then her apartment. She asked if she could move in with me until she got on her feet again. I said yes.

She had just moved to Denver a few months ago, had few friends and no family in the area.

Amber was a little girl, maybe 5 foot three inches tall with long, strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was quite attractive with a compact shapely body. She tended toward jeans and T-shirts.

She had freckles.

I had never considered her a sexual friend.

We decided that we would have to sleep in the same bed. I did not have a full-sized couch in my living room and the apartment was a small, one bedroom.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures” I said at the time.

We moved her few possessions into my apartment. It took about 20 minutes; the time it took to carry the two dilapidated suitcases, lamp and milk crate of books up three flights of stairs. She spent the rest of the day looking for work.

That night, we had dinner together on my sagging, but still presentable, comfortable loveseat and spent the evening watching old re-runs on my fuzzy black-and-white TV together.

When bedtime came I climbed in first and turned off the lights. When Amber climbed in a few minutes later I was nearly asleep. I had a king-sized bed, so Amber and I had ample space and weren’t jammed together.

At that time I slept in my boxer shorts and a T-shirt.

When we woke in the morning and Amber got out of bed I discovered that she slept only in her panties. I had a breathtaking glimpse of her flawless body as she dashed into the bathroom that remained with me for the rest of the day.

Over the next week I discovered that Amber was very casual vip escort about her mode of dress when we were at home together, especially around bedtime.

She clearly thought of us as brother and sister.

Often, she left the bedroom door open while she changed her clothing or used the bathroom.

She never wore a bra. I was able to admire her body frequently, if surreptitiously, as she went about her business.

After about two weeks, I realized that living in such close quarters had reduced my ability to masturbate in private to practically zero.

I hoped she would land a job quickly. As much as I enjoyed having her around my level of frustration was growing by the day.

I never stopped to consider that she might be experiencing growing frustration as well.

As time went on without me making a pass, her trust grew.

We both became more comfortable with one another.

She became more open about going topless and frequently her shirt came off an hour or two before bedtime. It was impossible for me to totally ignore this.

Once or twice she stripped entirely before going in to take a shower.

This usually left me lying in bed with an erection that would slowly wilt, usually after I drifted off to sleep.

After living together for about a month, I returned home from a particularly brutal date to find her awake and topless in our bed. When I walked out of the bathroom I had a rigid erection tenting my boxers that we both ignored as I climbed in.

“How’d it go?” she asked sweetly.

“Not good” I replied.

“Well, what happened?”

“After the movie we spent about an hour making out…but we didn’t really…”


“You know…get down to anything serious.”

“That must be very frustrating.”

“You have no idea.”

“Actually…I do.”


“Yeah” she murmured. “I’ve been out on dates like that where we kissed and kissed and touched until I thought I was going to jump out of my skin.”

“What did you do?” I asked.

“Well usually I went to sleep horny…or”

“Or what?”

“Well…you know…let my fingers do the walking.”

“That would be awkward right now.”

“Yeah…you’re probably right. Well, sleep tight.”


Our conversation had done little to help me deescalate from my degree of arousal as I imagined Amber fingers doing the walking, but eventually I drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

I was dreaming.

It was one of those crazy dreams that you never quite remember. It was a sex dream probably fueled by the fact that I had been unable to jack off for about a month. I remember that I was very excited and Amber was mixed up in it somehow.

I woke with a start and the realization that I had a very hard erection.

Amber and I were curled up like spoons with my rigid cock pressing against her. She was moving back and forth against it. She had shifted her body so my cock fit between her legs and she was able to rub it against her pussy.

I thought she was asleep but apparently having a dream of her own because as she moved a clearly wet and aroused pussy back and forth against my stiffness, she would whimper occasionally.

I honestly don’t know how long this had been going on but clearly Amber was about to climax.

Before I could contemplate the ethical implications of my position Amber began to shudder against me. Her already wet panties became quite a bit wetter as she climaxed.

I was shocked, but apparently Amber was still asleep. She let lose a long rattling snore and turned over leaving me with a cock that was fully erect and dripping…with no relief in sight.

It was absolutely useless trying to go back to sleep; my dick was as hard as a steel pipe and all I could think about is how good it would feel to climax.

I considered masturbating right there, but with Amber snoozing peacefully on the other side of the bed I realized that this could become…awkward.

I slipped out from under the covers and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

As aroused as I was I wanted this to last at least a little while so instead of just stroking my cock until I blew a load I just touched it lightly running my fingers up and down the length of my rigid erection.

I was so hard and what I was doing felt so nice.

Each trip up and down brought me closer to that ultimate moment. I was dripping pre-come in a steady stream. Using this as a lubricant I wrapped my hand around my cock and gave it a couple of fast strokes and then stopped and let my cock throb and drip.

I wanted to make the moment last a little longer.

I throbbed once or twice more and just as it seemed like I was going to be able to hold off from shooting my cream the door opened and Amber stood there naked with her panties clutched in her hand.

If I hadn’t been so preoccupied with my own experience, I would have noticed that the light in the other room had been turned on, seen the light shining under the door. Frankly, by this gecelik escort time I was in the zone.

When the door opened I was utterly unprepared; caught with my pants down, so to speak.

This moment is frozen in my mind. The bedside lamp was spilling light into the bathroom illuminating me completely and at the same time concealing Amber’s nudity in shadow.

“Oh, excuse me” she blurted but before she could look away I began to ejaculate a month’s worth of pent-up sperm into the air. It splashed like a geyser.

I still don’t know what pushed me over the edge, but there was no stopping what was happening.

Apparently, Amber was unable to tear her eyes away from the sight of cream shooting out of my hard cock into the air and spattering on the bathroom floor. She watched with rapt attention as I continued to ejaculate with the agony of embarrassment and arousal.

As my climax subsided Amber stepped into the bathroom and did something completely unexpected. Without speaking, she knelt and used her panties to wipe the warm pool of cream off the floor and then dropped them into the hamper.

She turned to the sink and wet a washcloth. She washed between her legs and then handed it to me.

“Wash up before you come to bed,” she said. Amber took a fresh pair of panties from the shelf, slowly slid them over her smooth hips and went back to bed.

By the time I cleaned up and climbed back into bed, Amber was sound asleep. I soon followed into a deep and dreamless sleep.

I woke late because it was my day off and Amber was long gone…out looking for work I supposed.

When she returned later in the afternoon Amber didn’t say anything about our nocturnal encounter. I certainly wouldn’t bring it up.

I noticed that for the next few days the level of my sexual tension dramatically diminished. After a few days I forgot about it.

I say I forgot about it, but that’s not really true. I pushed the memory from my conscious mind and tried to resume my role as platonic friend but my opinion had changed subtlety.

I noticed how good she smelled when she climbed into bed with me. I realized that she was a very attractive girl in her own right.

When she walked out of the house job hunting in a skirt and blouse, I noticed how pretty she really was and for a short girl how long her legs looked.

I enjoyed watching her twist her long hair into a French-braid in the morning. I enjoyed the way strands would escape and frame her face in the evening when she returned.

I reminded myself, we were still just good friends.

A couple of weeks later, Amber finally got a job. It was going to be at least three or four months before she could save up enough for an apartment of her own. I agreed to let her remain until she got a place of her own.

That night we celebrated her newfound employment with a steak dinner and enough wine to get a little tipsy in the process.

When Amber used the bathroom, she left the door half open so we could continue our conversation. When my time came, I did likewise.

Before I finished she got up and stood by the bathroom door. We kept talking as I emptied my bladder.

While I used the bathroom I glanced over at Amber talking with me through the half open door. It might have been my imagination but she seemed to be watching me closely

When she got up to pee a half hour later I repeated her behavior, standing just outside the half open bathroom door while she hoisted her skirt and sat down on the toilet.

Maybe it was my imagination but she appeared to hesitate for a minute once she had pulled her panties down and hoisted her dress giving me a long look at her naked pussy.

As the night wore on we got looser with one another. Just before bedtime Amber took her top off and slid out of her skirt, sitting on the couch dressed only in her panties.

“I’m gonna take a shower in a minute” she said by way of explanation but the minute stretched into half an hour as we finished the last of the wine.

Not wanting to leave her alone, I stripped to my boxers. I wish I could sat that I remained unaffected, but my erection ebbed and flowed as we conversed.

We continued visiting as we sat on the couch nearly naked but not acknowledging our state of undress…or arousal.

“It’s so liberating to sit here like this” Amber said. I could never be this free with anyone else.” She sat with her legs curled up under her watching me try to remain composed despite our near nudity.

Finally I had to relieve myself and Amber stood in the doorway nearly naked watching me pee.

At this point, I didn’t even bother to half close the door.

I kind of had half an erection but my bladder dictated I somehow overcome this and after standing there for a couple of minutes I managed to get a stream going despite the beautiful, nearly nude girl who now showed an avid interest in the whole process.

I got a couple of squirts out before the erection returned, this time with a vengeance, growing to full rigidity making elimination eskort of urine nearly impossible.

“What’s wrong?” she asked sweetly.

“It looks like I’m…stuck.” I replied.

“Why don’t you take your shorts off and see if that helps,”

“I will…if you will.”

Without a word she skimmed out of her panties and stood naked…watching.

“Hurry up, I’ve got to go too.”

I slipped my shorts off and discovered that it was possible to expel urine through an erection with a great deal of effort. I managed to get off several extended squirts that relieved the pressure on my bladder somewhat as Amber stood watching.

“Now let me” she breathed, “I’ve really got to go.” This was a true statement. She pushed me out of the way and started pissing before she managed to sit down.

I stood there with a full erection watching her relieve herself. This did not help me regain the control I would need to finish emptying my aching bladder. Finally her stream diminished and she stood up.

“Go ahead and finish, I’m going to shower.” With that she turned on the shower and got in pulling the curtain closed behind her.

From inside the shower she asked me if I always got that hard when I had to pee. I told her that having her there in the doorway watching certainly contributed to my hardness.

After three or four minutes, I managed to become limp enough to finish what I had started. I was in the process of finally emptying my bladder when she got out of the shower, grabbed a towel and watched me finish.

“I left the shower going for you,” she said brightly before disappearing into the bedroom. I got into the shower and I’m not going to lie about this; I promptly masturbated to orgasm squirting my seed into the water circling the drain.

By the time I got into the bedroom Amber was already asleep.

The next morning we both awoke, slightly hung over and Amber apologized for her inappropriate behavior over breakfast as she prepared to leave for her first day on the job.

“Don’t worry about it” I replied, “We were a little drunk, it was just fun between friends.”

We left it at that and for the next week we were both so busy we didn’t have time to think about it.

Nearly a month passed and we were both so busy that we rarely saw one another. We dated other people and usually Amber was in bed asleep by the time I got home.

It was about this time that our relationship changed in a fundamental way.

One Saturday night we both had dates with other people. I returned to the apartment around 11:30 and Amber came in at midnight.

I was nearly asleep when she came in.

I lay in bed watching her undress in the bathroom. Finally she was down to her panties and she switched out the light.

“How’d it go?” I asked once she climbed into bed.

There was a pause and she replied, “Pretty frustrating.”

What happened?

“It was kind of like your last date except this guy wanted to…fuck me and I’m not willing to go there, especially on a first date. How did it go with you?”

“It went pretty well for her…and not at all for me.”

“What do you mean?

“Well she let me do just about anything to her but she wouldn’t touch me…so she went home satisfied but left me with a big old…hard on.



“That’s what happened to me. I got him off mostly to avoid having him rape me and when he was finished…that was it.



“So…here we are.”




“Do you remember the other night?”

“Which one?”

“We were drinking wine.”

“Yeah…I remember.”

“You apologized the next morning for your behavior?”


“We really didn’t do anything…did we?”

“Well…I guess not…I just felt that I was kind of…teasing you.”

“Did what we were doing…excite you?”

“Umm…yeah…I liked it that you were…hard.

“Have you ever done that with anyone else?”

She didn’t say anything for a minute or so and then she said, “If I tell you will you promise never to tell anyone else?”

“Yeah…I promise.”

She turned over in bed and scooted closer to me. She was lying on her stomach and her face was close to mine.

“My brother and I used to play these games together.”


“Yeah…we used to strip in front of each other.”

“Like we did the other night?”

“Not exactly.”

“How was it different?” I asked.

She paused and then said, “Really…if I share this with you you’ve got to promise that it will remain between just the two of us. It’s kind of…personal.

“I promise…just between us.”

“OK” she said, “Every once in a while our parents would go out for the night. When that happened we knew that it would be very late before they got back. We were pretty much on our own.”

“Yeah” I said, hearing just the slightest catch in Amber’s voice as she spoke.

“The first time it happened we decided to go through our parents drawers and see if there was anything they were hiding from us.”

“OK” I said.

“Just a second” Amber said. Reaching behind her she grabbed a pillow and slid it under her pelvis.

“I have a little backache” she said in way of explanation.

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