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A Kitchen Fit to Party in Ch. 07


We were home in plenty of time to change and go out for dinner. I booked the Italian restaurant for eight o’clock, told him which table I wanted and booked the taxi for a few minutes earlier.

I told the girls what I had done and said that they had time to give me a fashion show with suggestions as to what they were going to wear tonight. I told them that they could definitely afford to go a little over the top and dress sexily as I had ordered one of the booths at the back.

I allowed them to entertain me for an hour or so as they dressed and undressed in a variety of clothes. I saw and photographed everything from formal cocktail dresses to mini-skirts and even skin-tight jeans. What can I say, they all looked beautiful.

‘I have made my decision,’ I said.

‘At last,’ said Rosie surprised. ‘Surely not the last ones, the jeans, I only went for those because you had seen practically everything else in the wardrobe?’

‘Correct, not the jeans. All I can say is that the two items I have selected are obviously not in the wardrobe. I know one of them is in the plastic bag on the floor there. That is yours Rosie, the blue dress you just bought in the sex-shop. Yours Emily must be in Rosie’s lingerie drawer. I would like to see one of those petticoat cum dresses that Sophie persuaded us to buy. No underwear of course for either of you.’

‘Oh my,’ said Emily. ‘I know that I agreed it would make a lovely dress for Rosie to wear, perhaps for one of Alan’s parties, but I never expected to have to wear one out myself.’

She tried it on, and of course looked lovely in it. The top was very see through, as frankly was the whole outfit. It was all the same material gathered under the bust but somehow her breasts, sitting in the material showed more than the rest of the body where the material hung an inch or two away.

In the meantime Rosie had her new dress on again. She tried sitting on a hard back chair, like a dining chair, only to realise that every small movement showed all of her nipples off to the sides of the dress. She had again tied it too high on her chest so I lowered the strings so that the top sat resting on her nipples.

‘Oh lord, I can’t go out like this,’ she said.

‘I think you can,’ I said snapping a couple more photographs. Shall I email these quickly to Alan now and let him make the decision?’

That got me a really dirty look from Rosie and a smug half concealed laugh from Emily. I took a couple of pictures of her as well.

‘Well what do you say Rosie, shall I send these?’

‘I think I know Alan’s answer, thank you,’ she said, ‘belt or no belt?’

‘Your choice,’ I said magnanimously. ‘Either way, belt on first and then removed when you sit down, or belt off and put on when you sit down.

Perhaps I can ask the other diners which they prefer.’

‘Don’t you dare,’ she said, and then quickly changed to a plea. ‘Please don’t do that. I know if I dare you, you will do it. But please don’t. I have a difficult week coming up starting tomorrow. Let me just enjoy tonight please.’

I laughed, ‘Okay I promise. No questions of the other diners. Anyway you will be so quickly walking through them that most will not even have the chance to check you out. I think we just have time for a shower now.’

I was giving them no option but to accompany me into the shower. The girls had entertained me well all day and I needed some relief before my balls turned blue.

Not that I had to push them. Both girls only had to pull one item over their heads to undress while I had to take off my shirt pants underwear and socks before joining them in the shower. They ran in to the bathroom giggling and were already wet, the temperature adjusted nicely, before I joined them.

I wasn’t surprised that Emily led the way, dropping to her knees to suck my cock before it got all soapy. Rosie was not slow to join her however. I gave them a few minutes before pulling them to their feet and soaping them all over. I do love doing that and it was bliss to have two such willing and, in Rosie’s case, giggly, wriggly bodies to do it too. I was in my element.

I rinsed them down before sinking to my knees in front of Rosie, bringing my lips to her slippery little clit. She moaned and leaned against the wall as I tongued her, from her arse to her clit. Long deep licks. I then tongue-fucked her against the wall until she climaxed. I did the same to Emily while Rosie leaned against the wall recovering. Then I let them have me again. They brought me back to hardness and waited mouth-open as I finished myself off between them, Hopefully sharing my load equally between them. It did not matter however as they eventually exchanged kisses, and semen, slobbering like a right pair of sluts.

‘Come on girls, it must be time for you to get ready. You can continue your little show later for me.’

It was indeed just after seven and the girls still had to dry and do their hair and make-up. Luckily it wasn’t going to take them long to dress.

‘Gosh you diyarbakır escort both look lovely. You will undoubtedly be the belles of the ball tonight. There will not be man in the place without an erection.’ They laughed. ‘Do we get to see them,’ asked Rosie.

‘Dirty girl,’ I said. ‘Just for that I think we will have the belt on for the way in and off for the way out. That way, as you are walking in to the restaurants they will be able to see how far the front is slit. Talking of slits, that is exactly what they will see.’

I adjusted the sides of her dress under the belt so that the hem was about six inches higher. The gap under the belt comfortably showed her shaven pudenda at its best.

I escorted them to my car and sat them both in the back seats. I joked an apology about not having my chauffeur’s cap with me

I opened the door for Emily first and then waited patiently as Rosie fussed around in the car. She eventually flashed me a lot of pussy and exited the car. She stood and waited as I adjusted her belt again.

‘Oh no, please. More material than that please. I am sure it doesn’t even cover my slit does it?’

‘Just about. Well certainly from time to time, just. Stop worrying and think about what every man in this restaurant will be imagining in the next few moments. They will all be intent on seeing as much of you as possible, while imagining that you are with them and will be going to their beds later. Does it make you wet thinking about it? Would you like me to walk you around the restaurant showing you off? Can you think what their wives and girlfriends will be thinking? The fun ones would try to encourage you over to talk to them… and while you are there maybe they will just touch you a little and expose a bit more of you for their loving hubbies. The others, well they may want to trip you up and see you fall gracelessly to the floor, looking stupid. Could you turn that around by falling so that your legs part and their hubbies get to see all of your slit and maybe that sweet little bumhole? Would you like that? Oh I see you do like that. I can see the dewdrops forming on your slit. I think it’s time to go in before you find a tissue and wipe it.’

We entered the restaurant and even the Maitre’d went quiet.

It was a really nice, posh but decidedly local restaurant. He did not often get many people dressing, or was it undressing, to the hilt for him.

His dramatic pause as he checked the reservation, ‘Jones. Yes of course a table for three in the middle of the room.’

‘Oops,’ I said to Rosie, ‘I thought I said not the middle of the room. Still no matter that table is fine.’

She waited until we were seated and he had left to fetch the menus before hissing, ‘You did that deliberately. You booked a table where we are all on view in the middle of the restaurant.’

I shook my head and was about to launch into a longwinded story about them getting it wrong, when Emile, the Maitre’d, as he had introduced himself, came back to personally take our drinks order. We were going to get the full treatment.

We ordered drinks and the girls started to peruse the menus. I took the opportunity to look around. It was busy in there as it turned out. It was almost full and all pairs or fours, and all were couples, no stag or hen parties. Almost a shame I thought to myself. I could imagine sending the girls over to a table of guys and have them ask perhaps for recommendations from the menu, or maybe to a girls table and have them ask what they thought of the dresses.

Our drinks arrived and with them Emile to take our food order.

We ordered and then picked at the bread and the little bowl of olives and mixed hors d’oeuvres that had magically arrived.

‘So Rosie, are you a little more relaxed now that we are sitting? ‘

‘Huh,’ she said. ‘A little I guess, if I didn’t have to be careful how I breathe to stop this dress falling down at the front.’

‘Well, you know what you have to do to keep it up?’ I said.

She looked puzzled.

‘You have to keep those nipples hard. They are just about the only thing holding it up, so from time to time you might like to tweak them, if no-one is watching of course, just to make sure they keep holding it up. Of course if you think you might lose it, even if they are watching you might want to tweak them, or of course ask Emily or myself to do it for you, or even perhaps Emile. I am sure he would help.’

I was completely snubbed as she looked towards Emily and asked her whether she had been to this particular restaurant before. She had obviously felt that the comment was not worthy of a response.

Which was a shame really. Only a few moments later the top of the dress fell over her left breast.

Seamlessly she picked it up pulled it back over the nipple and, surprise, surprise, tweaked her nipple to firm it back up. If I had not been waiting for it I would have missed it. It was that quick. I decided to quiz her on the speed of her reaction.

‘You escort diyarbakır knew that was falling and either stubbornness or your exhibitionistic tendency allowed it to happen. Now which was it?’

‘Certainly not,’ she blushed. ‘Neither. I just felt it start to fall and…’

‘I don’t think so. It was far too quick and there was no squeal of surprise. Also you blushed when I asked the question. I have underestimated you Mrs Taylor. In fact I would go further than that. I can tell your husband that I have succeeded, you are now an exhibitionist and will perform all these little tricks for him when he returns.’

She had no answer but was luckily rescued from having to reply as our starters arrived.

I continued my questioning as she pushed back the plate.

‘So, shall I tell him?’

She thought seriously about it for quite a while studying me and then looking at Emily who was all ears awaiting the answer.

‘Well, I am certainly further along the line than I was a week ago. I will admit that I have really enjoyed these last few days, part of which has been pushing back the boundaries of my confidence in my body. Yes I did know it was going to fall and, to be completely honest I was waiting to see whether it all fell or just one side. I know both nipples had started to soften as Emily and I had talked about other things like this restaurant. I was wondering whether I could fix the top over the nipple with a clear double-backed sticky tape. So you can tell him I guess that you are making headway because I was actually contemplating wearing this dress again, possibly out in public. A week ago I would have been tearing it up for dusters. Let’s face it, it may look very glamorous but it is hardly Versace material is it?’

I raised my glass in a toast, as much to my own success as hers.

‘Congratulations, so just to complete the test why don’t you go looking for the toilets. Try over there first near the bar. You can ask them where they are. We both know they are over there in the other corner though don’t we? Keep the belt on, exposing that lovely pussy to the whole restaurant until you get there, and then return with it dangling from your hand and let the restaurant see your cheeks as the dress flows behind you.’

The starters were being placed on the table as she walked back from the restrooms. Every eye in the room was on her. The waiter practically dropped my calamari onto my lap as his eyes followed Rosie back to the table.

The time went quickly as we ate. Both girls were in good moods, the drink flowed and we probably made more noise than any other table in the restaurant. Maybe all the others were quiet because they were watching us.

Time had passed quickly so I asked for the bill and it was brought personally again by Emile who also brought single roses for the girls.

I had not seen him present roses to anyone else who had left, but in fairness most people seemed to be sitting over their coffees and brandies, waiting for us to go. A couple of wives had nagged their husbands to get the bill, but the majority of tables were still occupied.

It was hardly necessary for Rosie to flash her legs towards Emile but she did try.

He had seen everything already, but still he continued to look, bent over kissing her fingers in farewell.

We walked towards the door and this time Rosie swept imperiously, apparently caring not a jot whether her legs, tits or bum were showing. Quite magnificent. I was aware that I had been unable to resist falling in love myself.

I was clever enough however, every time I got those feelings, to remember what Alan would do to me if I crossed over his lines, let alone encouraged her to leave him for me. I should just thank my lucky stars that I was at least going to experience her, if only temporarily. I still had a lot of photos to take.

Realistically I had things to do before I came back in the morning, but I hoped that I wasn’t going to leave without a small thank you.

I decided to take the bull by the horns.

‘Rosie, as I intimated earlier you have exceeded my hopes that Alan’s wishes would come to fruition. Yes you will need to keep practising but I now know that you have the desire to be a little exhibitionist. I don’t know enough about these parties of Alan’s to know whether you will ever be an enthusiastic participant in them, but you have the ability to do so if you really want it. For myself, I have seen enough of you to know that, unlike Alan, I would just lock you away in my bedroom and never let you out or show you to anyone.’

I felt that was as far as I could go.

‘I probably should go now as I will need to be back mid-morning.’

Rosie looked disappointed and then resolute.

‘No you are not going yet. You have changed my life and there is one more thing we need to do. We need to go upstairs. Emily, you are welcome to join us while I find out whether the praises that you so lavishly bestowed upon him are deserved. diyarbakır escort bayan I am going to get him to fuck the life out of me.’

I was surprised how strongly she had put it. I would have been disappointed not to have been invited but now we both waited to see what Emily would do.

‘No,’ she said. ‘Thank you. I would love to join you both on another occasion but right now you don’t want him sharing his time between the two of us. You will get the best of him by having him on your own. I will order up a taxi and leave. I have to go home anyway. I have the number of the people I use regularly. They can be here in thirty minutes. You two go off to bed. I am fine down here on my own. I will just think about the next time we all get together.

Go on go!’

I kissed her, as did Rosie and yes, we flew up the stairs to bed.

Her dress fell off her as we arrived in the bedroom. This just left two of us to remove my clothing. It could not have been quicker.

No fancy tricks. No oral, I had done that on her earlier. I just kissed her neck and shoulders, then briefly ran my lips over her breasts before easing my way between her legs. I knew she would be ready for me and as I eased my penis into her vaginal channel she appeared to be in raptures. She moaned and groaned and soon started on a series of small climaxes.

I slowed down and allowed her to start to recover. She wrapped her legs around my back forcing herself further onto my cock. I started to rhythmically push myself inside her, harder, faster and then harder again.

She came again, this time from the very centre of her universe. Again I held myself in check, kissing her lips and neck and using my fingers on her nipples and breasts.

‘Please,’ she said. ‘Come inside me, now. I want you. I want your essence. Hold me tight, let all your weight rest on me, just move your hips, keep kissing me.’

She wanted me to come but she didn’t want an inch of separation between us.

I rolled slightly over so that we were side by side. Whatever she may have thought she wasn’t going to enjoy me fucking her with all my weight resting on her. I raised her top leg and scissored my legs between her widely parted thighs. She groaned as she felt this new position enabled me to get possibly even deeper inside her. I regained my rhythm again and allowed myself to enjoy it. I was going to come inside her. And I did. My timing was good and I managed to wait until yet another orgasm shook her light frame. As I thrust, the short strokes accelerated into her. She felt my essence shoot inside her canal as she screamed my name.

We kissed and I realised that this was it. This was my time to cut my ties and back away. To become a kitchen planner and photographer, not a lover with any chance of a future.

I felt her drift off to sleep and kissed her eyes and then lastly her lips, before crawling gently out of bed.

I dressed and crept downstairs to a surprise. There was Emily asleep on the stairs.

‘Hey kiddo, what’s up, the cab couldn’t come?’

‘No,’ she smiled. ‘I never rang them. I told my husband I was out tonight so I was not going to go home. I knew you would be leaving here and thought that I could be your consolation prize. I know you have fallen for her a little bit and you also know that there is no future for you and her together, so this may have been your last fuck. You are too much of a gentleman to exhaust her and spend all night here so I took the opportunity to wait for you and let you take me home to your place. I know that you will still have the strength to keep me happy.’

She was right. She was the perfect antidote to my feelings of tenderness.

She got in the car beside me, pulled her skirt up to her waist and started playing with her pussy.

‘Come on big boy. Take me home and fuck the life out of me. Get her out of your system.’

I did. Fuck the life out of her that is.

I turned up around eleven with my cameras to make sure that the workmen had started and that they had made a good job so far. The plastering at the table end of the room was done and they were working on plumbing and wiring at the kitchen end.

Rosie was as pale as can be. She was obviously hating the idea of any participation. The idea of taking some clothes off here was absolutely abhorrent to her. She seemed to have lost all her exhibitionist tendencies overnight. That made me relish this even more. I had fallen for her enough that I wanted her not to get hurt, but the little demon inside of me was looking forward to her being an unwilling participant.

‘I will start taking the photographs in fifteen minutes. You will be ready. So if you need to go to the toilet or have something to eat or drink, now is the time. I am just going to say hello to George the Manager and his guys and then we are going to start. I will rig up a bit of a studio here in the kitchen. You know why. You have spoken to Alan.’

I had also had a word with Alan, or should I say correctly that he had emailed me and told me what he expected. He expected pictures of her in the nude with the workmen working in the background. He did congratulate me on the work I had done so far. With her, rather than the kitchen of course. We had not yet started the kitchen although he was happy with the plans.

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